The autopilot is working again and we have just cleared customs and are about to set sail. We will have to travel around 950 nm until we reach our first destination; Numea in New Caledonia.

Dan, Anna, Olivia, Ylva, Will, Gabbie, Daniel & Victor
Meanwhile waiting for the part for the autopilot we did a short cruise here in the Bay of Islands. Our new crew is awesome and extremely easy going and I am sure we will have an amazing trip together.
The trip up to New Caledonia will be more or less straight forward, we will go in a north westerly direction in an attempt to avoid a LOW coming in from the east within a couple of days!
See you on the other side….
// Daniel with crew
Very nice picture! To Ylva: farmor and farfar önskar god fortsättning på eran fantastiska resa skip ahoy!!! Love farmor
have a nice trip and enjoy life !!
Tomi (grandfather of Dan)
very nice !!
I am the granbdfather of Dan.
Have a nice trip