To cruise long distances with a sailing boat sometimes feels like it is more about maintenance, mechanics and fixing stuff than it is about the actual sailing. Sense we arrived to the boat we have in
Life is PERFECT! At 14.00 we left Kravica all bright and shining- new bottom paint, all working radar and navigation light and on top of that two new bottles of cocking gas. We are at the moment crui
Jag tyckte att jag såg henne på marknaden i Split men tänkte nä det där var nog inte Mikaela. När vi senare kom tillbaka till båten var jag tvungen att kolla Facebook och jo men visst var det hon och
We are now cruising slowly against the wind back to Baska Voda where the boat stayed over the winter. The plan is to lift the boat up from the water on friday to paint the bottom and service the engin