Time has flown by since we first arrived in Thailand at the end of 2017. Just over 4 months ago, we successfully sold our beloved Bay Dreamer and have handed her over to her new owners. Spending this
And that´s a wrap! Bay Dreamer has now reached her final destination for this trip and is now settled in the Royal Phuket Marina, Thailand. 6 weeks down, I think it can be humbly stated that Bay Dream
We are just under the half way point of our trip to Thailand and are preparing to check out of wonderful Malaysia. The past almost three weeks since the crew arrived has been been full of laughs, monk
My god- these last 30 days have probably been the hardest 30 days in a long loooong while! Anna, me and Jack have been working 15 hours days with the boat since our arrival to Tahiti! Everything from
21 years has passed since I first set my paws on Bay Dreamer! No I am not I liar, remember-I am a dog!!! In my universe one of your human years is the same as 7 normal dog years- see I am not a liar-
We are now moored once again outside Maikai Marina in Bora Bora after two INTENSE weeks of exploring and sailing together with our four amazing guests. The whole trip has been about nature; sharks, w
The distance between the Society Islands and the Tuamotos is only 210 miles but even a very short distance can be unpleasant and take a very long time if you do the journey against the wind. This is w
Anna, Davide, Vera and me are just about to set sail towards Colon in Panama where we will take the canal over to the Pacific ocean! I can’t really explain how much we are looking forward to the Pacif
We often hear from friends and family: when will you guys come home and live the “real” life?! This is our reality for now and I can tell you that this life is far from easy at all times! Sure –